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R U OK Day


R U OK Day

R U OK Day is an Australian mental health initiative which aims to encourage individuals to star conversations that can make a positive impact on someone’s life. It emphasizes the significance of active listening, empathy, and genuine concern for the well-being of others as well as building strong connections between people.

The simple act of asking the question ‘are you okay’ and genuinely listening to the response can identify when someone might be struggling and need support or additional resources to help them get back on track.

Below are a few simple steps that you can take to check in on your friends, family and co-workers, to initiate an important conversation in a relaxed manner.

Too often, we notice that others around us don’t seem to be themselves, but we just don’t know the right words to say to start the conversation. Below are some ways to strike up a conversation and show someone that you genuinely care about them.



Saying things like ‘how are you travelling’, ‘there’s been a lot of change, are you okay; are great ways to strike up a conversation and check-in.



Make sure to be an attentive listener and use follow up questions such as ‘how are you feeling about that’ and ‘I’m here to listed if you want to talk more’ are good ways to show that you genuinely care.


Encourage Actions

Saying things like ‘have you spoken to a health professional about this’ or ‘what’s something you enjoy doing, making time for that can really help’ are great ways to encourage action.


Check In

Checking in with someone can be as simple as asking ‘what’s been working for you since we last chatted’ or ‘do you need more support’.


Remember it’s more than okay to not be okay. If you or someone you know is struggling, there are lots of resources and support available to aid you. Use the link below to find out more.