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03 5223 3453

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03 5223 3453 Monday - Friday
9:00am - 5:00pm
POSTAL ADDRESS P.O. Box 4233, Geelong Vic 3220, Australia

About Us


At Morris we specialise in Finance, Investment and Leasing. Our aim is to create partnerships, underpinned by shared risk, to build Success. Together.

Our aim, as an industry leader, is to make a real and lasting difference to the standard of client relationships in the Australian Financial Services industry. 

These relationships, have always been driven by our core Values: Professional, practising 24/7 self-regulation, empathic, seeing the world from the perspective of others, service focussed, aiming to surpass expectations, acting with Integrity and jointly being proud of what we achieve together.

Success, to us, is only attained when we share it together with our Brokers, Investors, Clients, Community Partners, Staff and Associates.  

Our experienced team have access to our suite of in-house and industry best practice finance risk management applications and the latest Government regulations for structuring your lending facilities in the most efficient and cost-effective manner.

Morris holds an Australian Credit Licence and complies with Australian Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism requirements.


For more information contact us today on 1300 4 Morris today about your finance needs


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